2019 Just do the next right thing!

2019 Just do the next right thing!
2019 is upon us!
We knew it was coming, I’m not sure why we are all so surprised it’s here. Let’s make the choice to fully embrace each new day in 2019, one moment at a time. We have 365, 24 hour, opportunities before us, to greet the dawn with an open heart and mind as we seek God’s will for our life. The moment by moment decisions we make have the power to create a positive impact on our future and the world around us.
In Matthew Kelly’s book, “Perfectly Yourself”, he talks about the idea of simply doing the next right thing. What if moment by moment, we simply do the next right thing? Could it be as simple as choosing to use the common sense God blessed us with? Sometimes I forget the same God that created the universe created me. He does not make mistakes, He has equipped me to carry out HIS will, for my life. Scratch that, it’s not really my life, it’s the life He blessed me with to live for HIS glory.
Yes, the world is full of sin and that changes the game, but, God took sin into account and sent His Son Jesus to be our savior. Jesus took upon the sin of the world, suffered, died, was buried and rose again to be seated at the right hand of God the father, so that we could be restored. He has taken sin into account. Will we make mistakes and poor decisions, absolutely! God loves us too much to leave us stranded at the foot of our mistakes, he’s in the business of providing us new opportunities to do the next right thing.
Let’s ask ourselves the question, what do we want our life to look and feel like, one year from today? What results will we create based on the decisions we make? Spiritual, emotional, relational and physical well-being, start with the next right choice. Join me at The Well, let’s navigate the next 365 days, connecting, learning, growing and encouraging each other to use every bit of what God has given us.