Relieve stress and release stored fat

Relieve stress and release stored fat
Last week I talked on Instagram about holding onto stored fat. (In case you missed that, (click right here)
After receiving your DMs, I put together a few simple solutions and an easy action plan that will put you on the path to burning fat for fuel instead of storing it.
Before we dive headfirst into the solutions, let’s take a quick look at the science behind stored fat…
What are the top two culprits that lead to fat storage in our bodies?
1. Consistently consuming more calories than our bodies burn for energy.
2. Metabolism/hormone imbalances.
What is metabolism, and why is it so important?
Metabolism is our body’s process that turns the food we eat into the energy we need.
How does our metabolism work?
- It works kind of like a thermostat. It reads, adapts, and reacts to the outside environment.
- It also works as a stress meter.
Think about it from an evolutionary perspective; food was scarce; this posed a real threat. Our metabolism views the threat as stress pressing against our survival. Our metabolism reacts to stress with a stress response.
Our stress response activates a cascade of hormonal messaging from the brain that tells our body to store excess energy in response to this stress/threat. Its job is to keep us alive, even when no food is present.
Fast forward to today, most of us are blessed to have access to more food than we need. Our stressors have evolved, work, relationships, technology overload, lack of quality sleep, lack of movement, yo-yo dieting, you get the picture. All of these stressors can lead to a metabolic stress response.
How is excess energy stored?
It’s stored as fat cells.
Create an energy balance that works for you through your approach to nutrition.
Stop the yo-yo dieting and see-saw of excess calorie restriction that leads to excess calorie consumption.
- Fuel your body with protein, fiber (veggies), water, and just enough carbohydrates and healthy fat to satisfy you and produce the energy your body needs to be you.
- Allow your body to rest and digest for 12 hours overnight, then
- Spread your meals evenly throughout the day.
- Do this consistently for a few weeks to give your metabolism the message loud and clear that you will no longer be restricting calories to the point that it needs to initiate a stress response and store fat as an energy reserve.
Simple Actions
1. Get real with yourself about the amount of food you’re consuming, are you eating enough or too much?
Listen to the cues your body may be giving you.
Low energy, foggy brain, constant hunger, sleep issues, and sitting in a weight plateau unable to budge could be signs your body needs a bit more fuel.
Feeling over full and bloated after eating, feeling unmotivated, and always craving more sugar, fat,& salt could be signs that you’re overeating.
Be honest with yourself and trust your intuition. You know your body best.
2. Identify your top 2 stressors and craft a plan around implementing one small behavior change at a time that reduces that stress.
Consistency is key to forming new stress-reducing habits. If you want to learn more about developing new habits, check out one of my favorite reads, Atomic Habits.
Don’t be afraid to experiment; you may not land on a behavior change that works for you right out of the gate. Be open to trying different strategies.
Continuing to hone in and double down on finding the right calorie balance for you and picking off your top stressors one at a time is a great place to start the process of freeing up your body to burn stored fat as fuel.
Health & Blessings,
Ann Hackman
Metabolic health coach